“Wisdom ... raises her voice in the public squares ... is a tree of life to those who embrace her ...” (Proverbs 1:20; 3:18)
Much of Proverbs is centered on wisdom. In fact, wisdom is personified as a dignified lady. Time and time again, the exhortation given to the reader is likened to a relationship between parent and child, urging us to listen to life advice. The Hebrew mindset of wisdom is not reflected in the mere accumulation of knowledge, as advocated by Greek philosophy, but demonstrated by the practical outcome of lives in following the instructions and teachings laid out by God.
The true seat of wisdom is the fear and reverential awe of God. Obedience to the understanding of the teachings from God’s Word will bring about wisdom. How we live far outweighs what we know.
Wisdom as depicted in Proverbs requires us to live in the light of eternity―recognising right and wrong, accepting reward and punishment. We can live wise lives only as we fear and obey the Lord.
To embrace wisdom is to be like a tree of life: it is a source of life and is capable of dispensing life to others. Wisdom provides us with a quality of life that far surpasses long life. These qualities of peace, integrity and joy are of greater value than anything one can offer. It is refreshing and life-sustaining.
Lady Wise invites all to take heed to her and makes her presence known when she is heard and welcomed. Wisdom is available to all and acquired only by those who seek her diligently. Those who find her find fulfilment.